Stanley J. Miller, Jr. was born on September 26, 1949, to Stanley and Stella Miller. His home of record is Elizabeth, NJ. He had five siblings. In Elizabeth, NJ, Stanley graduated from Blessed Sacrament Grammar School in 1963 and Sacred Heart High School in 1967. After graduation, he worked for NJ Bell Telephone until he went into the service.
Miller enlisted in the US Army and received helicopter flight training. He was attached to the 281st Assault Helicopter Company, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 17th Combat Aviation Group, 1st Aviation Brigade and attained the rank of Warrant Officer (WO). Stanley’s father had been in the Bataan Death March in 1942, and was finally released later after being held as a prisoner of war. Stanley began his tour of duty on January 14, 1970.
Miller was killed in action on April 27, 1970, when his aircraft was shot down near Pleiku, South Vietnam. He was flying a combat aviation mission with Robert Wayne Gardner when their aircraft, UH-1H 66-00870 was shot down. He is buried in St. Gertrude’s Cemetery in Colonia, NJ.
Sources: Richard Miller (brother), various websites and NJVVMF.