David Alan Bausch was born on December 8, 1951, in Long Island, NY, to James and Rosemarie Bausch. His home of record is Towaco, NJ. His family moved to New Jersey, and he graduated from Boonton High School in 1970.
Bausch entered the US Army on April 16, 1971. He served with the 48th Assault Helicopter Company, 11th Aviation Group, 1st Aviation Brigade. He attained the rank of Specialist 4 (SP4). Bausch was a door gunner on the UH-1H “Huey” helicopter,
He was killed on May 24, 1972. He was posthumously awarded the Air Medal, the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star.
His Air Medal citation reads:
For heroism while engaged in aerial flight in connection with military operations against a hostile force: Specialist Four Bausch distinguished himself while serving as crew chief of a lift helicopter on an air lift mission of South Vietnamese troops into enemy held territory in Quang Tri Province. The Air Mission Control aircraft was responsible for locating enemy positions. Due to timely briefings the lift aircraft were directed away from the heavy concentrations of enemy ground fire. After the supported ground elements came under a full scale attack by North Vietnamese forces the Air Mission Control Aircraft escorted by two gunships returned to the area and assisted in repulsing the attack. The Air Mission Commander and Crew combined with directing the gunships were responsible for the immediate destruction of one enemy large caliber antiaircraft position and one mortar position. While enroute to the location of a lift helicopter just shot down the Air Mission Control aircraft was destroyed by a hand held surface to air missile. His gallantry in action was in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
His Bronze Star citation reads:
For distinguishing himself by outstanding meritorious service in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 6 September 1971 to 24 May 1972 through his untiring efforts and professional ability, he consistently obtained outstanding results. He was quick to grasp the implications of new problems with which he was faced as a result of ever changing situations inherent in a counterinsurgency operation and to find ways and means to solve those problems. The energetic application of his extensive knowledge has materially contributed to the efforts of the United States mission to the Republic of Vietnam to assist that country in ridding itself of the communist threat to its freedom. His initiative, zeal, sound judgment and devotion to duty have been in the highest tradition of the United States Army and reflect great credit on himself, his unit and the military service.
David was born in Long Island, NY, on December 8, 1951. His father was a surveyor and civil engineer and in 1952 he got a job in Sumatra, Indonesia building roads and employee housing at a standard oil refinery. In December 1952, David and I joined his father in Sungei Genon, Sumatra. David’s sister, Donna and brother, Mark, were born there. In 1958, we returned to the US and lived in Massapequa, NY for 6 years where David’s brother, Paul was born.
In 1964, we moved to Towaco, NJ. In his teens, David learned surveying and worked with his father. At 18, he was restless and went to Florida, stayed there a short time, and then joined the US Army.
He did well in Basic Training and also at helicopter repair school. Arriving in Da Nang in September 1971, he was chosen to be a Colonel’s chauffeur. He was a little chagrined by this, but did well and was selected Battalion Driver of the Month in October 1971. He asked for a transfer to helicopter service and became a door gunner, then crew chief – ending as SP4.
His letters were always enthusiastic and cheerful. He felt proud of what he was doing and how well he was performing. He didn’t question WHY. When he was killed these facts made it a little easier for us to accept his death.
Written by Rosemarie Bausch, Mother
Sources: Rosemarie Bausch (mother) and NJVVMF.