Robert H. Kruger, Jr. was born on July 19, 1948. His home of record is Clifton, NJ. He graduated from Clifton High School in 1966. Robert had one sister, Crystal and one brother, Roger. He enjoyed soccer and drawing.
Kruger served in the US Maine Corps beginning in 1966. He attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC).
He was a member of the 2nd Platoon, Echo Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. He was serving as a rifleman on Hill 881 North during Operation Beacon Star – Phase 2 when he was killed in action on May 3, 1967.
Kruger is buried in Beverly National Cemetery, Beverly, NJ.
I was 15 when my brother was killed. Our father had died in November 1963. Many of “Bobby’s” friends tried to talk him out of joining the Marines and to go into another branch of service. I don’t know why he chose to enlist.
When he came home on leave before going overseas, he bought my mother, brother and myself gifts as he wasn’t going to be home for Christmas. He was a good kid and liked to have fun and play jokes on people.
Written by Crystal L. Hayes, Sister
Sources: Crystal Hayes (sister) and NJVVMF.