In Memory is a unique program that honors New Jersey men and women who served and died as a result of the war in Vietnam, but whose names are not on the Memorial.
Some of these deaths are due to Agent Orange exposure, Hepatitis C and the physical or emotional wounds received in Vietnam. The deaths of these individuals are no less tragic than those that occurred in-country, but their names do not appear on the Memorial.
This program was initiated to honor these veterans. Their names will be placed on an engraved stone inside the Memorial so that all who visit will know that they are with their honored comrades.
Contact Diana Chodnicki 732-335-0033 x109.

Apply to our In Memory Program

Complete this form or contact us

When Submitting Applications please include:

  • In Memory Application – filled out completely.
  • Copy of DD214 – Military Separation Papers.
  • Copy of Death Certificate.
  • Veterans Administration paperwork stating that death has been recognized as service connected..

All information should be submitted to: New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial & Museum, Holmdel, NJ 07733

The In Memory program consists of three parts:

  • An induction ceremony is held annually on March 29 – National Vietnam War Veterans’ Day. The family is invited to attend the ceremony, speak about their loved one, and receive an In Memory certificate.
  • An engraved paving stone is permanently placed at the ground level of the Memorial where it will remain forever surrounded by fallen comrades.
  • A binder including biographical information provided by family members and friends will be placed in the Resource Library of the Vietnam Museum & Educational Center. The binder may include family photos, letters, medal citations, and other pertinent information the family chooses to share. Additional information may be added at any time.

Memorials: Free Admission/Always Open