History of NJVVMF

Our Mission

The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial & Museum is committed to sharing the experiences of the Vietnam War Era and its enduring legacy with future generations.

Our Memorial recognizes the valor of New Jersey’s Veterans and the sacrifices of their families and communities. Our Museum encourages learning by exploring the Vietnam War Era through inclusive and objective exhibitions.

The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial and Museum, located near the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ, honor the courage and sacrifice of New Jersey residents who served during the Vietnam conflict. The Memorial pays tribute to the valor of those who never returned, while the Museum provides factual, unbiased information about the era through exhibits, multimedia presentations, structured programs, and guest speakers. This combination fosters discussion and a deeper understanding of America’s most divisive period since the Civil War. Supplemental programs, including veterans’ biographies, ensure the contributions of New Jersey’s veterans are preserved for future generations.


Establishing the Foundation

The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans‘ Memorial Foundation was created and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey as a non-profit corporation. The memorial committee, relying on the foundation‘s officers, trustees, executive director, and volunteers pursued the day-to-day needs of the project. The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans‘ Memorial Committee was also transferred from the Department of State to the newly created Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
In December 1990, Governor Jim Florio signed legislation to increase the committee to 24 members and appointed 10 new members. New to the committee were Anthony Dellanno and Louis A. Vlahakes. These two Vietnam Veterans, along with assistance from the Utility and Transportation Contractors Association, recruited construction firms, architectural and engineering firms, landscaping companies and labor unions throughout the state to provide over $1.5 million in donated services, materials and labor. Also new to the Commission was Henry Rossi, another Vietnam Veteran, who assumed responsibility for all the grassroots fundraising throughout the state.


Vietnam Veterans‘ Remembrance Day

As a result of the increasing awareness of the Memorial, legislation was passed on April 16, 1991 to designate May 7th each year as New Jersey Vietnam Veterans‘ Remembrance Day. The committee requested a proclamation from the Governor‘s Office and encouraged other statewide observances. The first annual observance of Vietnam Veterans‘ Remembrance Day was held at the Memorial site with a wreath laying ceremony. Later that day, ceremonies were held at Liberty State Park.

More History of the Memorial

The idea for the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial had its beginnings on Veterans Day, November 11, 1982…

More History of the Museum

By the spring of 1993, preliminary plans for the Vietnam Era Museum, began as a result of the call for an educational component by veterans, students, and teachers in the state.