Edward Deitman was born on April 3, 1943. His home of record is Clifton, NJ. Edward attended Grady High School in Brooklyn, NY, and graduated in 1960. He went to high school for electrical trades. He received certificates for excellence in shop and social studies. He was in the library, guidance, and auditorium squads. He was also a NCCJ representative. He later attended City University of New York, where his interests included baseball and electrical engineering.
Deitman entered the US Army in 1968 where he attained the rank of Sergeant (SGT). He attended NCO Academy at Fort Sill, OK.
Deitman was killed in action on May 17, 1969. He was survived by his pregnant wife, Iris. He never got to see his son, Edward, who was born four months after his death.
Sources: The Viet Nam Remembrance Committee & Clifton War Veterans Monument Committee, William E. Grady High School, and NJVVMF.