Ronald Bukowski - Private First Class

Jersey City
April 4, 1948
Private First Class
Date of Casualty:

May 2, 1968

Casualty Status:
Killed In Action
Country of Incident:
South Vietnam

Ronald M. Bukowski was born on April 4, 1948. His home of record is Jersey City, NJ. He was the eldest son of Anthony and Theresa Bukowski. He graduated from Dickinson High School in 1966.

He entered the US Marine Corps on June 30, 1967. After basic and advanced training on Paris Island, SC, he was sent to Vietnam and attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC).

On May 2, 1968, while on patrol with a unit of the 4th Marines in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam, Bukowski was killed in action. He had just turned 20 years old. He had previously been wounded on February 29 while stationed near the DMZ. He was awarded the Purple Heart. Ronald is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in North Arlington, NJ.

Ronnie always wanted to be a Marine. It was all he ever thought about or talked about since he was first in high school. Rather than be drafted into the Army, he enlisted in the Marines.

He was very happy once he was in. His letters would sound like he was a little homesick every now and then, but in all he seemed to like what he was doing and was happy with it.

Ronnie loved animals. He always had a dog or a tank of fish and would take better care of them than himself. He had this thing about animals, especially dogs.

Written by Teresa Bukowski, Mother

Sources: Teresa Bukowski and NJVVMF.

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