John Stephen Berg was born on May 16, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Berg. His home of record is Trenton, NJ. He was called Jack. John had two brothers, Robert and Joseph. He graduated from Steinert High School in 1965.
He entered the US Air Force and attained the rank of Airman First Class (A1C). Berg completed basic training and finished a fire protection specialist course at Dover Air Base in early 1966. He was assigned to 366th Civil Engineering Squadron, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing as a member of the Fire Protection Team at Da Nang.
On July 15, 1967, the Berg family was notified that their son was listed as missing in action. A few days later, they received notification that he was killed in action on July 15, 1967, during a rocket attack in Da Nang, Vietnam.
Berg was posthumously awarded the Silver Star, the Air Force Commendation Medal and the Purple Heart. He is buried in Our Lady of Lourdes Cemetery in Trenton, NJ.
Sources: Harold Bratsko (cousin), Dale Watson (high school friend), newspaper clippings and NJVVMF.