Daniel Morris - Lance Corporal

North Arlington
January 9, 1947
Lance Corporal
Date of Casualty:

August 20, 1966

Casualty Status:
Killed In Action
Country of Incident:
South Vietnam

Daniel E. Morris was born on January 9, 1947, in New York City to Rose and Earl Morris. His family moved to North Arlington, NJ, in July 1959. His home of record is North Arlington, NJ. He had one brother, Ronald. Daniel was a 1964 graduate of North Arlington High School.

Daniel enjoyed fishing, swimming, baseball, basketball and hunting. Prior to his military service, he was employed by Arde Engineer in Newark.

Morris enlisted in the US Marine Corps. He attained the rank of Lance Corporal (LCPL). He served with Mike Company, with the 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. He received his basic training at Parris Island, SC, and later was shipped to Okinawa for special training in guerilla warfare. Morris arrived in Vietnam on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1966.

While in Vietnam, Daniel’s mother launched Operation Airlift Pizza. Each week, Mrs. Morris would send four huge 36-slice pizzas for Danny and his friends. Her pizza was made with a special family recipe that kept it from getting stale or hard.

Daniel complained about the chemically treated water so Mrs. Morris began sending Kool-Aid with every letter, too. “I don’t want them eating good pizza and washing it down with that bad tasting water. I sent him a couple of packets of powdered water sweeteners with every letter,” Mrs. Morris said.

Morris was killed in action on August 20, 1966 in the vicinity of Da Nang. He is buried at Royal Palms Cemetery in St. Petersburg, FL.

Daniel was awarded the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Service Cross, the National Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, Two Bronze Stars and a Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal.

After his death, one of Danny’s friends went out and collected money for a Daniel Morris Memorial Scholarship Fund. They collected $1,328.00 in a single day. The fund awarded an honor student from North Arlington High School a $300.00 scholarship each year.

The Daniel Morris Memorial Park, located on River Road near Belmont Avenue in North Arlington, was dedicated in his memory. A new firehouse in North Arlington was named the Daniel E. Morris Memorial Firehouse, after Daniel, the 1st Marine from North Arlington to be killed in Vietnam. In addition, June 4th was proclaimed Daniel Morris Day.

Sources: Rose Morris (mother) and NJVVMF.

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