Colin J. Bach was born on February 14, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Bach. His home of record is Neptune, NJ. He was an Eagle Scout in the Explorers in 1964 and graduated from Neptune High School in 1966. Colin had two brothers, Walter and Glenn, and a sister, Susan.
Joe Ryan, a former teacher from Neptune High School, taught Colin Bach and Don Brower, another Vietnam War casualty from Neptune High School, and had this to say:
I taught both boys US History II back in the mid-60s. Being a US Military History buff, I always included the military in my lectures and I knew both boys (maybe because of me) became avid fans of the services – particularly the Marines! They were excellent students and good school citizens. They were in the gym club and also key members of my Junior Historical Society. Both were a pleasure to have in class – particularly during that decade when I had so many “odd balls” in my student body!
Colin entered the US Marine Corps and attained the rank of Corporal (CPL/E4). He completed his basic training at Parris Island, SC, and spent six months at Communications School in San Diego, CA.
Bach was sent to Vietnam and was hospitalized for malaria. He was released from the hospital after treatment and returned to active duty.
Bach was killed in action by enemy artillery fire on October 22, 1968, in Quang Tri, South Vietnam.
Sources: Joe Ryan (teacher), newspaper clippings and NJVVMF.