John R. Grisard was born on March 25, 1947. His home of record is Long Branch, NJ. He loved cigars and playing poker.
Grisard entered the US Army and attained the rank of Chief Warrant Officer (CWO). He served with the 1st Infantry Brigade.
Grisard was killed in action while on his second tour of duty in Vietnam. He was an accomplished Cobra pilot but on his second tour he volunteered to be a scout pilot. He flew the Hughes OH-6A. He was a member of C Troop, 7th Squadron, 17th Air Cavalry. This unit was known as “Ruthless Riders.”
On November 19, 1970, he was killed in action while being trained in special scouting techniques. His helicopter received heavy enemy fire, was hit and exploded in mid-air in Binh Dinh, South Vietnam.
Information from websites and NJVVMF.