Clement Stevenson - Lieutenant Junior Grade

March 11, 1942
Not Available
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Date of Casualty:

June 17, 1966

Casualty Status:
Killed In Action
Country of Incident:
South Vietnam

Clement Olin Stevenson, Jr. was born on March 11, 1942, to Clement and Elizabeth Stevenson. Clement had four siblings. He graduated from the Georgia Military Academy in 1960, and then attended the University of North Carolina. He enjoyed flying and playing golf.

Stevenson served in the US Navy. His home of record is Ridgewood, NJ. In two years of service, he attained the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG).

Stevenson was killed in action on June 17, 1966. On that day, a C130E Lockheed “Hercules” aircraft departed Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam, enroute to Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa, on an operational airlift support mission. About 30 minutes into the flight, as the aircraft was 43 miles northeast of Nha Trang, the crew of a naval gunboat, cruising off the coast of South Vietnam, observed the C130R explode and crash into the South China Sea. No hostile fire was observed and the exact cause of the crash could not be determined.

A vessel arrived at the crash scene only minutes after the impact and began an immediate search. The accident occurred so swiftly that it was assumed all aboard perished instantly. Some debris and wreckage were recovered, including parts of the aircraft and personal belongings. Only one body was recovered from the crash scene.

Stevenson was awarded the Purple Heart, the Air Medal and the Vietnam Service Medal.

Sources: William Stevenson (brother), newspaper clippings and NJVVMF.

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