Randall Maurice Campbell III was born on August 16, 1947, to Randall and Jean Campbell. He had one brother, Kevin Paul. His home of record is Willingboro, NJ. He loved stamp collecting, horseback riding, fishing, cars, dancing and drawing. He attended John F. Kennedy High School and graduated in 1964.
Campbell enlisted in the US Army and attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC). He served with the 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry, A Battalion, 1st Air Mobile Division.
Campbell was killed in action on November 19, 1966. He was buried in Beverly National Cemetery in Beverly, NJ.
Campbell was awarded the Air Medal, the South Vietnam Government Military Merit Medal, The Asiatic & Pacific Campaign Medal and the Purple Heart.
Randy was born on August 16, 1967, at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. He grew up in many places of the world, as his father was a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy.
As a young boy, he had many interests, including stamp and coin collecting, drawing and a great love of animals. He owned a horse named Star, which he rode every day. He was also in the Boy Scouts.
Randy had a wonderful personality and was a very happy child. He loved to dance and appeared on Dick Clark’s Bandstand.
He comes from a long line of military men as far back as the Revolutionary War. After joining the Army, he took his basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, then on to Fort Benning, GA, as he wanted to be a Paratrooper. Upon his graduation, he came home and we had an early Christmas for him before he left for Vietnam.
He sent us many pictures and letters for the short time he was there. He was not keen on flying but loved to parachute out of the plane.
On one instance, while on patrol, he suffered injuries requiring hospital time for which he received the Purple Heart.
He had written to say he needed boots, which we went right out and bought. Arriving home, we were faced with the news that he had been killed.
A friend of Randy’s, who was with him when he was killed, came by to visit us when he came home. He was a blessing and became a member of our family. We are still very close today.
Randy was engaged and planning to marry when he came home.
Randy’s brother, Kevin, was also in the Army during the Vietnam War.
We are very proud of Randy and when he departed this life for another, a very bright light faded away.
The last time we saw Randy, he was walking to board the plane at the Philadelphia Airport.
Written by Jean Campbell, Mother
June 9, 2004
Sources: Jean Campbell (mother) and NJVVMF.