
Not Available
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Not Available
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Date of Casualty:


Casualty Status:
Not Available
Country of Incident:
Not Available

James R. Taylor was born on August 18, 1941. His home of record is Teaneck, NJ. He was working as a heating technician and lost his job when he was classified 1-A by the draft board. He worked odd jobs and began taking business courses by mail until he received his draft notice.

He served in the US Army with the 25th Infantry Division and attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC).

Taylor was killed in action on April 13, 1966. He was on patrol when he was killed by a sniper bullet. He is buried at Pallbearers Cemetery in Perry, FL.

His wife, Lydia, survived him.

The following is an excerpt from The Record dated Monday, January 29, 1973:

When James A. Taylor, 25, was classified 1-A by his draft board in February 1964, he lost his job as a heating technician for a firm in Englewood, where he was living with his wife, Lydia.

The couple moved to Hackensack. Taylor did odd jobs and began taking a business course by mail until he was drafted in June.

Mrs. Taylor moved in with friends and waited for her husband, who was due to return in time to celebrate their third wedding anniversary in May 1966.

Pfc. Taylor was on patrol in April when he was killed by a sniper’s bullet.

Sources: Newspaper clippings, The Record, Robert Sage and NJVVMF.

Photo added 4/17/18 Source: VVMF