Leon Earl Bell was born on May 2, 1946. His home of record is Newark, NJ. He graduated from East Side High School in 1964. Leon was co-captain of the basketball team. His high school yearbook reads:
Ambition: Pro Basketball Player
Activities: Basketball 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2-3-4; Cross Country 4; JV Football 1; Jr. Red Cross, Jr. Class Rep, Sr. Class Rep., VP, Visual Aid; Hall Patrol, Captain; Torch Staff, Student Council Rep; Art Club, Glee Club
He served in the US Marine Corps and attained the rank of Corporal (CPL). He was assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division.
Bell was killed in action on July 2, 1967, in Quang Tri Province.
He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal.
Sources: Madelyn Robertson (friend), Roger Liggon (veteran) and NJVVMF.