John A. Dabonka was born on April 19, 1946, in New York and lived with his family in West New York, NJ. After graduating from Union Hill High School, he went to work for a paper box plant in Long Island. He enjoyed baseball, swimming, writing and girls. He was very close with his family.
Dabonka was drafted into the US Army in January 1966, where he attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC). He was assigned to Company B, 360th Infantry Ninth Division.
At the age of 20, Dabonka was killed in action on February 2, 1967.
There’s a gold star in my window in memory of you
It lights my darkest hours and turns gray skies to blue
There’s a new star in the Heavens that I search for every night
For it stands for faith and courage and a cause you thought was right
You tried once to explain to me, my precious, brave young son
Just why we had to fight that war and help get justice done
There’s a gold star in my window that will guide me through the years
Even though the road ahead is dark and wet with tears
So sleep on, my gallant hero
For even though you lost, you won,
The love of a grateful nation
You’re second best to none
From near and far we honor you
We love you, one and all
In dying, you have left your names
Embedded on The Wall
Some did come home, so hurt and alone,
Sorry they missed the Master’s call
But that wasn’t to be, as we fail to see
Their names upon The Wall
You had plans and schemes, shared beautiful dreams
Oh, the agony of it all
Yet each has left his calling card
With their names upon The Wall
Rest well, now, gallant heroes,
You each stand ten feet tall
We salute you, and we thank you for
Your names upon The Wall.
Written by Virginia Dabonka, Mother
May 27, 1991
Sources: Virginia Dabonka (mother) and NJVVMF.