Daniel Alan Hildebrandt was born on February 21, 1948. His home of record is Iselin, NJ. Daniel graduated from John F. Kennedy Memorial High School in 1966. He played basketball and generally loved all sports. He was called “Hilda” by his friends.
He entered the US Army and attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC). Hildebrandt was assigned to the 11th Light Infantry Division.
Hildebrandt was killed in action on February 13, 1968, in the Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam.
I was a classmate of Danny’s at JFK Memorial High School, class of 1966, and shared some classes with Danny. He was a well-liked, friendly individual, a friend to all. Danny also played baseball and ran track; he was quite an athlete.
After graduation, we went our separate ways. We were re-united in basic training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky in August of 1967. Danny was squad leader of 3rd Squad, and I was in the 4th Squad of Company E, 9th Battalion, 3rd Training Brigade. We graduated basic together just before Halloween and again parted ways. I stayed at Knox for radio school and Danny went on to Advanced Infantry Training.
In February of 1968, while serving in Germany, I received word of Danny’s death from wounds suffered in Vietnam. His death was a real shock at that time and one that saddens me to this day. He is missed by all who knew him.
Written by Matthew S. Winkler of Fords, NJ
Sources: John F. Kennedy Memorial High School and NJVVMF.