James R. McNish was born on June 14, 1947, in Wheeling, WV. His home of record is Caldwell, NJ. He had two sisters named Christine and Mary.
He served in the US Army and attained the rank of Specialist 4 (SP4). He completed basic training at Fort Dix, NJ. This was followed by additional training at Fort Rucker, AL, for Service School Aircraft Maintenance. His job was as a single rotor turbine helicopter mechanic. He was assigned to the 45th Medical Company, 44th Medical Brigade.
McNish was killed in action on February 5, 1969, when the 45th Medical Company suffered many casualties in Vietnam. McNish, the Crew Chief, along with CPT Otha L. Poole, aircraft commander, WO1 William Hix and SP4 Gary Johnson, medic, were all killed on February 5, 1969, when their aircraft exploded after being hit with a rocket propelled grenade during a hoist mission. They were awarded Silver Stars posthumously for their actions.Â
McNish was awarded Expert Badges in M-14, Auto rifle and M-16 as well as the Sharp Shooter Badge for M-16. Other decoration and awards he received include the Purple Heart, the Air Medal (with 16 oak leaf clusters), the Aviation Wings Badge, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Republic of Vietnam Citation with 60 device, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross Medal with Palm, the National Defense Medal and the Silver Star Medal.
Sources: Gary Borges (cousin), Frances Spaetti (friend), Patrick Bynum and NJVVMF.