Charles Hoffmann - Specialist 4

Jersey City
November 8, 1944
Specialist 4
Date of Casualty:

April 10, 1967

Casualty Status:
Killed In Action
Country of Incident:
South Vietnam

Charles Joseph Hoffmann III was born on November 8, 1944, in Fort Deavens, MA. He was five foot eight and had hazel brown eyes.

Since Chuck was the first born of eleven children, he became the responsible older brother. This trait was a major characteristic throughout his 22½ years of life.

Chuck immediately responded to anyone who he saw as having a need he could fulfill. Swimming was his favorite sport, and as a junior member of St. Peter’s Preparatory Swim Team, he became a co-captain. As a strong swimmer, he prompted five of his siblings to acquire lifeguard skills and take lifeguard jobs during their teen years.

His mathematic skills placed him in the top 3% nationwide as per the SAT test.

Chuck took a job as an all around helper at Jerry DeRosa Liquor Shop. He surprised them by organizing their cellar stock room. Soon after getting his drivers license, he became their deliveryman.

The O’Brien Flower Shop was next door to Jerry’s and Chuck befriended the owner. O’Brien had sustained a severe injury in a diving accident. Since he was handicapped, he asked Chuck to take over the job of teaching his young children to swim. When Chuck heard of young Pete DeRosa’s aunt who needed help for her kitchen, Chuck pitched in and built her cabinets to improve her living quarters.

He enjoyed the family summer home in Sussex County, NJ, during vacations and school holidays. Chuck and his brothers engineered the digging of a deep well in the Sussex community of Frankford in addition to building a 24’ x 24’ extension to the summer home. He enjoyed working with tools. He handcrafted some fine looking signs for both family and friends in the Culver Lake area.

After graduation from Snyder High School, he succeeded as an Assistant Credit Manager for a nationwide department store. Soon after his marriage to Rose Chila on May 20, 1966, he accepted a position as a Credit Manager in Opa Lacka, Florida.

While in Florida, he was drafted. His home of record, however, is Jersey City, NJ, as that is where he lived for most of his life. He served in the US Army and attained the rank of Specialist 4 (SP4).

Hoffmann was killed in action on April 10, 1967.

Charles wrote his family often and they feel lucky to this day to have his final thought on paper.

Sources: Frank Hoffmann (brother) and NJVVMF.

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