John Coyle was born on January 3, 1946. His home of record is Hackensack, NJ. He was born in the Bronx to Irish immigrants. He attended Cardinal Hayes High School. Coyle moved to Hackensack, NJ prior to being drafted.
He served in the US Army and attained the rank of Specialist 4 (SP4). He is remembered as wearing an Irish cap and playing a harmonica on the way to Ft. Jackson for basic training. In basic he was in the 5th platoon. While in Vietnam, in Tuy Hoa, he was Major Ridgepath’s orderly. However, Coyle wished to go to the field. His family sent him tapes of WABC radio, music, and commercials that he shared with his fellow soldiers. John fought to get a transfer to the LRRP (Long Range Recon Platoon). His request was turned down a couple of times but he kept trying and was approved. After a few missions he volunteered to take the point for his team. As the team moved up a mountain a sniper fired one round striking John.
Coyle was killed in action on March 29, 1967.
Source: NJVVMF, Perry Womble (friend) and fellow veterans.