Arthur Joseph Rego was born on August 2, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rego. His home of record is Nutley, NJ. He had one brother, Joseph. His friends and family called him “Artie”. Arthur attended Lincoln School and was a member of the Boy Scouts. During high school, he played football during his freshman year, but then developed a charley horse. Arthur enjoyed football, ice-skating, horseback riding, printing and art. To keep busy, he took a part-time job after school with Wise Potato Chips. He graduated from Nutley High School in 1962. Following graduation, he worked for Power Pipe and Supply Co., Passaic, NJ.
His teachers remember him as exceptionally neat and respectful. He received his First Communion and was confirmed at Holy Family Church, which he attended regularly.
Arthur enlisted in the US Marine Corps on January 23, 1963. He did his basic training at Parris Island, SC. He was then sent for advanced training at Camp Lejeune, NC. Before his assignment in Vietnam, he was in Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay and on a cruise to France, Spain and England. When he returned to the United States, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal (CPL). He was stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA, and then by way of Hawaii and Okinawa, was sent to Vietnam.
Arthur served with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment in the Danang section of Vietnam. He was part of the team assigned to guard the airstrip and the newly liberated village of Le May.
His letters home to his parents and to his brother often expressed his desire to have the war ended in Vietnam before it reached American soil. He wrote that draft-card burners were not worth fighting for. He told his mother he didn’t want his sons to go into battle.
Arthur was engaged to be married to Arlene Francese. After his discharge from the Marines, he planned to take the exam for the New Jersey State Police.
Rego was killed in action on January 26, 1966, while on a night patrol outside the Danang Air Force Base. He was shot in the head by an enemy sniper. Rego completed his third anniversary with the Marine Corps three days before he was killed. He had been in since June.
Rego was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart. A military funeral was held at the Samuel W. Brown Home in Nutley followed by burial in North Arlington Cemetery.
Sources: Anthony Buccino (author of Nutley Sons Honor Roll) and NJVVMF.