Eric Schoderer - Antisubmarine Warfare Technician (AX3)

June 16, 1944
Not Available
Antisubmarine Warfare Technician (AX3)
Date of Casualty:

November , 1966

Casualty Status:
Missing In Action
Country of Incident:
Not Available

Eric John Schoderer was born on June 16, 1944, and lived in Darby, PA, with his parents, John and Doris Schoderer, a brother Stephen and a sister, Lisa. Eric enjoyed sports cars and surfing. His home of record is Surf City, NJ.

A 1963 graduate of Upper Darby High School, Eric attended Temple University in Philadelphia and his family soon moved to Surf City, NJ.

Schoderer entered the US Navy in November 1964, and served aboard the USS Kearsarge CVS-33 and attained the rank of Antisubmarine Warfare Technician (AX3). The antisubmarine teams were often used for search missions and also assisted in attacks near or over the water.

Schoderer was listed as missing in action on November 10, 1966, when his aircraft disappeared.

Schoderer was awarded the US Navy Air Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal and the Vietnam Campaign Ribbon Bar.

Synopsis (from the POW Network) as to the circumstances behind being listed as MIA:
In the dead of night on November 10, 1966, Schoderer, along with other crewmembers went on a surveillance flight mission in the Gulf of Tonkin in an S2E Tracker. That night they lost radar contact, which was not uncommon when a Tracker dove. However, they never arrived back at the ship at the expected time. A search was performed and remains of the aircraft were found, but no sign of the crewmembers. It was suspected that the craft experienced uncontrolled contact with the water. There were no survivors.

The incident took place about 55 miles east-northeast of the city of Hue. Petty Officer Schoderer and his crew were initially listed as missing in action.

Information provided by Stephen Schoderer (brother), POW Network and NJVVMF.


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