The Museum will be closed for a Private event 9/10/2024. The Memorial is open 24/7. Museum will reopen Weds 9/11 @10 am

We are excited to announce that our museum has re-opened and we look forward to your visit!

Tour of Duty Film

We encourage all tours to start with our contextual documentary. The film includes interviews and in country footage which enhances the experience and provides context. This video runs for a half hour. (This cost is built into the 2 ½ hour and 3 hour tours)
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et nunc purus. Praesent fringilla hendrerit volutpat. Suspendisse libero dolor, auctor a nisi tempus, imperdiet aliquam nunc. Maecenas lacus nunc, ultricies sed leo at, ultricies mattis dui. Nulla non ultrices augue. Donec facilisis fringilla congue. Nam efficitur aliquam rutrum. Vivamus nec urna eu nulla viverra fermentum accumsan blandit quam.”
— John Doe
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