Planned Memorials and Rubbings of the Wall

Rubbings of the Memorial

Our Memorial much like The Wall has interactive features. Our staff can provide your class with a listing of students who were their ages when they were sent to Vietnam and did not come home. From there we can provide our official rubbing paper and pencil supplies to have students create rubbings of your high school’s alumni.

Planned Memorial Services by the Students

Your class can hold a memorial service to honor and remember those who served in Vietnam- from your community and beyond. your class may hold a memorial service on the site. Please let let Sarah Taggart know of your plans at least 48 hours prior.

Some Activities to Do in a Memorial Service

  • Read names on the Wall from your community. You can log on to to located people from your area.
  • Leave notes, drawings, flowers, or other items in remembrance.
  • Sign America the Beautiful, or play taps
  • Purchase a brick paver to honor your class attending and show it. For more information on this click on this link to the paver buying program.
  • Complete rubbing of the etchings on The Memorial. Ask our tour guides for assistance
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